6 Septembre 2008
If you want to cancel your mobile phone contract there is one important thing you have to check : « durée de l'engagement » or « engagement ». It's the minimum duration of your contract.
When you buy a mobile phone most of the time you suscribe for an « abonnement » with an « operateur » (provider).
Depending on your « forfait » you have different durations of « engagement ».
So if you chose a 12 months commitment and when to resign after 9 months, in this case it will be difficult because you are still under your « engagement » contract. They can refuse your cancellation and make you pay until the end of the 12 months.
But if these 12 months are over (and you had your mobile phone for 15 months for example) then you can resign easily.
How can I cancel my contract ?
Check your bill and look for your « engagement » duration.
Then look for « service client » or « nous contacter » there must be a phone number or an address.
Contact them and tell them you want to cancel you contract :
« Bonjour, je voudrais résilier mon abonnement de mobile ».
Depending on your « opérateur » you might be allowed to do it immediatly by phone or they might give you an address where you must send your notice. In this case you'll have to write a letter and send it « recommandé avec accusé de réception ».
Then the only thing you have to do is to check your bank account to be sure they stopped everything and find a new provider if you want.