5 Mai 2023
Oignon (onion) can be found all year round, but in Spring, you have to try the "new onions" also called "fresh onion" or "green onion" in French.
The "oignon frais", "oignon vert" is a very tasty onion, but not strong at all. You can eat the white onion (raw or cooked), but also these beautiful green leaves.
Regarding the leaves, you have to cook them, you cannot eat them raw (you won't be sick, but they are very hard to chew).
As you can see on my picture, the onions are sold in bunch, "une botte d'oignons". It"s the usual way to sell this kind of onions in France. And most of the time, the price is fixed for "une botte" instead of a price per kilo.
As usual, mak things simple and you will have a delicious dish.
All you need is to slice and then fry the onion (white and green leaves) in a pan with a little bit of very good olive oil. You can also add some garlic "de l'ail", salt and pepper.
Cook for 10 minutes, and bon appétit!