5 Mai 2023
In another blog post, I already explained what is "des radis" in French, how we eat them and where to find some of them.
Today, I wanted to give you more information about "radis", especially about "les fanes de radis".
"Les fanes" are the beautiful green leaves on your radis. And you know what? You can eat them too! But not raw, you have to cook them in order to be able to eat them.
Une botte de radis :
Aren't they beautiful?!
And so tasty in Spring and Summer.
Do not let them to long in your fridge. It's better to have them fresh and crispy. If you eat them within 2 or 3 days, they will remain with a very nice taste, but if you wait (let's say 1 week), they will become "hot and spicy" for sure.
So, here is another photo of "les fanes de radis", or just "les fanes" :
Well, you can also eat them, but not raw. In France, we cook them as one of the many vegetables of a soup for example. Easy, and tasty :)
"Les fanes" are full of vitamines and minerals, they are excellent for your health, but you'd better buy some organic "bio" or "biologiques" fanes de radis.
I hope you enjoy this article, see you soon!