8 Septembre 2008
How to prepare them ?
Rinse the « blettes ».
We never cook a whole blette because we have different recipes for « le vert » (leaves) and « le blanc » or « les côtes » (white central part).
First, remove the leaves from the central part.
Now you have "le vert" and "le blanc" or "les côtes" :
How to prepare the « côtes de blettes » ?
Slice the white part (le blanc) into 1-2 cm pieces :
In a pan, bring water to the boil, then cook the pieces of « côtes » for 15 minutes.
Then you can add the sauce you want depending on your own taste.
I give you two traditional recipes :
- Make a bechamel and add the « côtes de blettes » into. You can serve them like that or put them in an ovenproof dish, add some grated cheese on top and grill them for 5 minutes.
- Make a tomato sauce and add the « côtes de blettes » in it.
Serve as a vegetable with a piece of meat (pork or beef).
How to prepare the « vert de blettes » ?
That's different, you don't need to boil the leaves.
In a frying pan, sauté an onion (if you want it's better if you also add « lardons » that you grill in the pan just before adding the leaves), then add the « vert ». Cook for 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper.
Enjoy with a piece of meat.