18 Juillet 2008
Pâte sablée (shortcrust pastry) You can find in « rayon frais » close to charcuterie and pâtes fraiches (fresh pasta) in your supermarket.
200 g lardons
2 oeufs
300 ml crème fraiche liquide
Fromage râpé (grated cheese) : gruyère or emmental
Préchauffer / preheat oven to 190°C.
Beurrer le moule (lightly grease) the baking pan. Bake the crust “à blanc” for 20 minutes.
During this time grill the « lardons ».
Whisk cream and eggs. For this recipe, use "crème fleurette" or pasteurized, it makes no difference.
Sprinkle « lardons » over baked pastry.
Pour eggs and cream mixture over lardons.
Add pepper if you want.
Top with grated cheese (gruyère is more tasty but cheese is not compulsory in this recipe).
Reduce heat to 180°C, bake for 30-35 minutes.
Enjoy your quiche lorraine with a salad.