18 Juillet 2008
Ingredients for 4 :
1 oignon jaune,
1 gousse d'ail (garlic clove),
2 courgettes,
2 aubergines (eggplants),
1 poivron vert,
5 tomates
Peel (peler) the oignon, ail, aubergine and courgette.
Then slice them (coupez-les en tranches) separately.
In a pan, sauté the onion and garlic, set aside.
Then sauté the courgettes, set aside (still separately from the other ingredients).
Go on until each vegetable is sauté.
When you cook the tomatoes, add some (1 teaspoon) salt, sugar and pepper.
Then, just before your meal, pour all the sauté vegetables in a pan, mix slowly.
Add more salt and pepper if needed.
Enjoy your ratatouille with a piece of meat « viande blanche », viande de porc (pork) or fish.
Ratatouille is a very traditional dish in summer.
If you don't have much time, just sauté all the vegetables together, it's faster even if the taste is a little bit different, it's still very good.
When you cook a « ratatouille » you can add more courgettes if you like, more aubergine or oignon, it doesn't matter. If you
don't like poivron for example, then remove them. You can also use poivron jaune.
How long can I keep it ?
At least 2 days in the fridge. When you want to reheat your ratatouille, just use a pan, low heat.
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