12 Juin 2008
It is the document that your bank sends you with your loan details.
You receive the loan offer by mail.
The bank swhich ends you a loan offer must maintain the same conditions for at least 30 days.
You have 10 days of « réflexion ». You can not accept this offer before those 10 days.
If you accept this offer, you must return it signed at the end of these 10 days.
During this period, you should not pay money or sign a cheque. You can take the opportunity to ask your banker all questions and clarify all doubts related to the loan offer.
The « offre de prêt » addressed to you must contain :
- The date on which the loan (funds) will be paid,
- how much money you borrow (« crédit total »), its cost (how much you are going to pay in full), his percentage rate,
- what assurances are required and how much they cost "taux effectif global" "TEG",
- a "échéancier", ie a document that shows the monthly and the amount.
If you have any doubts or questions and you do not get satisfaction from your bank, do not hesitate to contact a consumer association « association de consommateurs » (which you will find the details in the yellow pages or on the Internet).