11 Juin 2008
"Primeur" is the name given to the new vegetables of the year, we also talk about « légumes nouveaux ».
A « primeur » is also someone who sells fruits and vegetables, like a « boulanger » sells bread.
« Primeurs » are usually more expensive than the « normal » vegetables but they taste much better.
What kind of vetegables can I find "primeurs" ? :
Pomme de terre, oignon blanc, carotte, petits pois.
Pommes de terre nouvelles :
How to cook them ?
Do not peel them, just wash them. As they are tiny, cut them into 2 pieces max and cook them "pommes de terre sautées". Have them with
a green salad,
it's so good !
Jardinière de légumes and petits pois carottes
These two dishes are a mix of « primeurs ». Sometimes also cooked with « lardons ».