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Declaration of birth / acte de naissance

Everything begins with the "notification of birth" « déclaration de naissance ».

It is at the time of the notification of birth that will be drafted the birth certificate « acte de naissance ».

Afterward you can get yourselves "complete copies of birth certificate" « copies intégrales de l'acte de naissance »or "extracts with filiation" « extraits avec filiation » or "extracted without filiation"« extraits sans filiation ».

The declaration of birth is a compulsory in France. Within 3 days after the birth of your child. The father must go to the town hall in the place of birth. If the father can not take this action, it shall be made by doctors who attended the birth.

If your child is born on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the deadline for declaration is postponed to Monday.
On the occasion of the birth, the registrar gives the father backlog child health.
That's when the birth certificate « acte de naissance » is written.

To register the birth of your child, you must bring with you :
- The « livret de famille » if you have one,
- Certificate prepared by the doctor or midwife at the birth.

Heed well the period of 3 days to declare the birth of your child, otherwise you should start a procedure much more complex and lengthy.

If you're not married, the birth is not equivalent to the recognition of your child « reconnaissance » (it does not prove so formal that you are the parent of your child ...).
You must make a voluntary recognition process « démarche de reconnaissance volontaire ».
Talk to the registrar on the day you are going to declare the birth.



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