8 Juin 2008
After someone's death, you enter the administrative part concerning the succession (inheritance « héritage », closing bank accounts, survivors' benefits « pension de réversion » ...).
What do you have to do ?
Contact his / her employer or pension fund, contact his / her bank, social security.
In all cases, go to these administrations and organizations to know the steps to take. If these institutions are too distant, send a letter to report the death by letter with acknowledgement of
receipt « recommandé avec accusé de réception ».
Contact the notary of the deceased if he had one.
Even if the deceased did not have a notary, a notary « notaire » is the person who will guide you through all the steps to take. Take an appointment to check what you should do
according to your situation.
Where to find a notary?
In your telephone book : yellow pages "notaire".
What is « capital-décès » ?
It is a compensation that can be paid under certain conditions to help you cope with the funeral expenses.
To make this request, you must go to the "caisse primaire d'assurance maladie" CPAM or « caisse régionale d'assurance maladie » CRAM of the deceased and fill out the form Cerfa No.
10431 * 01 "demande de capital-décès".
You can also download this form on the following link :
If you have any difficulty, do not hesitate, contact your « centre de sécurité sociale ».
Back to the article "déclaration and acte de décès"