9 Mai 2008
The « déclaration de revenus » you will receive / received is for the year 2007.
If during 2007 you got married or PACSé(e) :
You must fill in 3 déclarations de revenus !
The bride and the groom must declare his and her own incomes from January the first to the date of the wedding or PACS. Then from the wedding day or PACS to December the 31 you must fill in a common declaration.
If you divorced or broke off a PACS in 2007 :
You must fill in a common declaration from January the first to the day of your divorce or end of PACS, then each one fills in its own declaration for the rest of the year.
In case of death :
You must fill in a common declaration from January the first to the date of the death. Then you fill in your own declaration for the rest of the year.
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