9 Mai 2008
trésorerie", "centre des impôts", "recette" or "hôtel des impôts" are just the same thing : it's the place where you can go to ask any
information and pay your taxes.
- If you received a « déclaration de revenus » the address is written on the first page close to your name and address.
- If after May the 15th you haven't received your « déclaration de revenus » there are 2 options :
1. Or, you already payed taxes in France (« taxe d'habitation » or « taxes foncières », « impôts sur le revenu »), in this case the address is written on the « avis d'imposition » you received before. So check it and you'll find out where is your trésorerie,
2. or you haven't payed any taxes in France. In this case, go to :
Enter your « code postal » (zip code) in « vos services locaux », and you'll get the address.
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