5 Décembre 2007
Lodging tax
This is the lodging tax "avis d'imposition" :
Who must pay a "taxe d'habitation" ?
If you own your house or if you rent it. So, in France, if you own your house, you pay « taxes foncières » and « taxe d'habitation »!!
How do I receive this « avis d'imposition » ?
You have nothing to do. When you buy or rent an appartment or a house in France, the owner or the seller automatically declare the purchase or the lease (bail) to the authorities.
When do I receive it ?
In octobre you receive a big paper « taxe d'habitation » on one side and « redevance audiovisuelle » on the other. This is your "avis d'imposition".
What is important on this « avis d'imposition » ?
Be careful : « somme totale à payer pour le »
« somme à payer »
« date limite de paiement »
These sentences indicate : when you must pay and how much.
Do not pay later than the date indicate on the « taxe d'habitation » otherwise you'll have to pay 10% more (this rule is for all the taxes in France).