5 Décembre 2007
This is a « avis d'imposition » :
How do I receive the « avis d'imposition » ? :
You have to pay this tax if you own your place, not if you rent it.
You have nothing to do. When you buy an appartment or a house in France, the seller automatically declares the purchase to the
When do I receive this « avis d'imposition » ? :
In septembre you receive a big paper « taxes foncières ».
What is on this « avis d'imposition »?
Among all the informations, pay attention to these sentences :
1. « somme totale à payer »
« somme à payer »
These sentences indicate how much you must pay.
2. « date limite de paiement »
« somme à payer pour le »
These sentences indicate until when you can pay.
Do not pay later than the date indicated on the « avis d'imposition » otherwise you'll have to pay 10% more (this rule is for all the taxes in France).
If you have any problem or question, just go to your "trésorerie" or "centre des impôts". The address is written on the first page of your "avis d'imposition".
When do I pay ?
In october, but always check on your 'avis d'impostition".