13 Novembre 2007
What's the difference between « concentré de tomates », « purée de tomates », « tomates pelées entières », « tomates pelées concassées » ?
It's all about the texture. Basically, it's the same thing : tomato only.
1. « Concentré de tomates » is very thick, it's a kind of paste. Easy to store because with a small can you make a lot of tomato sauce. It's packaged in small cans.
How to use it ?
You must add some water (as much as you want, it depends on what you want to do). You must also add some salt, pepper and some sugar (not a lot).
2. « Tomates pelées entières » and « tomates pelées
concassées » : strain them if you want and just keep the tomatoes.
« Entières » means « whole » and « concassées » means « in small pieces ».
It's useful in winter for example, when the tomatoes sold in the shops are not tasty, not really good. With some « tomates pelées » you have some tomatoes everytime you want some. Easy to store because in a can.
How to use it ?
Just add some pepper, onion, garlic, whatever you like.
How to store it ?
Months as long as it's not opened, then it keeps for a few days in the fridge.
3. « Purée de tomates » is a kind of sauce, but it's only tomato nothing else. Usually packaged in a carton.
How to use it ?
Like «tomates pelées»,
you only need to add some salt, pepper, sugar.
4. « Sauce tomate »
If you buy a « sauce tomate » usually in a glass bottle, it means it's already cooked. So there's more than tomato : basil, meat (in the « sauce bolognaise »), other vegetables....
This one is easier and faster.
How to use it ?
Already cooked. Heat them in a microwave or in a double boiler
Where in a supermarket ?
All these cans are together,
not far away from the pasta and sauces in the same department.
How to store it ?
Several weeks as long as it's not open, then it keeps for a few days in the fridge.