11 Novembre 2007
2 types of charcuterie :
1. Cooked pork meats :
Ham : Jambon (jambon blanc), pâté en croûte, mortadelle, pâté, mousse, blanc de dinde ou de
Jambon cuit, "rayon libre service" in the refrigerated aisle.
Jambon cuit :
Mortadelle :
2. Dried pork meats :
Charcuterie séchée : not cooked but dried meat : jambon cru, jambon fumé (smoked ham), saucisson, pancette. Even if it's just dried, you don't have to cook it.
Saucisson :
How to use charcuterie ?
Just like that ! As an entrée, with / before or after a salad.
Eat some condiments with (cornichon / gherkin , oignon / onion,
câpres / caper). Just so French !
Pâté en croute
Jambon cru
Where can I buy it ?
In a supermarket, "rayon charcuterie" or "rayon libre service" / "rayon frais".
You can also go to a "charcuterie", a small shop specialized in cooked pork meats. Often, a "charcuterie" is also a "boucherie
charcuterie", a shop where you can buy meat and cooked pork meat.
How to store it ?
It keeps for a few days in the fridge.
Caution !!
If you see « A cuire » it means it's raw and you must boil it 20 minutes or bake
for 30 minutes.