6 Janvier 2016
Do you know this French tradition? La galette des rois, also named Galette frangipane?
It is the specific cake we eat for the Epiphany celebration in France.
Galette des rois is not so difficult to make, all you need is 2 pates feuilletées (kind of Filo pastry), filled with a frangipane cream (a cream made with 2 eggs, 100g of sugar, 150g of almond powder and 60g butter).
Spread your frangipane cream on the pâte feuilletée and cover with a second pâte feuilletée and bake at 200°C for 25mn.
That's it!
But, if you are not used with this kind of French cooking, it will be our pleasure to ship one of these galettes des rois to you.
You can find some galette des rois, galette frangipane on Mondizen, your online French shop.
We ship internationally and deliver your French products right to your door.
Happy New Year and Bon appétit!