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Comprendre la France, la culture française, les Français et apprendre le français. Welcome to France!


Mes invités partent, je dis quoi, je fais quoi ?

When do they live ?

When they want, so if they are French, it might be late !

Thank them again for their present :
“merci pour le vin”,
“merci pour les fleurs”,
“merci d'avoir amené quelque chose”.


Bring their coats back :

“Ce manteau est à qui ?” if you don't know which one belongs to who.

If you're not lost among all the coats just say :
"voici votre manteau" and give the (right) coat to the (right) guest !

Then, all you have to do is to say “au revoir”, “bon retour”, “rentrez bien”, “à bientôt”.

Back to j'invite / I invite


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