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Tapioca Cake recipe

This is a great home-cooking recipe which is really easy to make. It’s a great French classic and is sure to bring back childhood memories! Tapioca cake is really easy to make and you can be sure everyone will enjoy it!


List of the Mondizen ingredients

120g-1/2 cup tapioca

2 sachets of vanilla sugar

Caramel sauce


Ingredients from your kitchen

3 eggs

5 tablespoons of caster sugar

1 L-2 pints milk



Boil the milk in a saucepan. Reduce the heat and add the tapioca, sugar and vanilla sugar.

Cook for 7 minutes stirring frequently.


Leave to cool.


Pre-heat the oven to 200°C.


Separate the egg whites from the yolks.


Add the 3 egg yolks to the tapioca and mix together.


Whip the egg whites. Add them to the mixture.


Pour the caramel sauce into some small ramekin dishes then pour the tapioca mixture on top. Cook for 20 minutes bain-marie style.


Wait 3-4 minutes then turn out the cakes straight onto a serving dish. They are great warm or cold.

Buy the ingredients on Mondizen

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