27 Septembre 2012
Every week, we offer a new selection of products on sale on Mondize, the francophile's shop.
Let's have a closer look !
For all the mustard lovers, the Amora mild mustard is just what you need, and with 15% off, how will you resist this treat ?!
In the baby section, you will find a lot of good deals like the Bledina Bledilacte strawberry-flavored baby yoghurt or the peach and pear Bledina Bledilacte !
And we are sure you will love the Bonne Maman galettes au beurre frais, a lovely original shortbread biscuit, on sale too !
We have many other good deals on Mondizen, so come and visit us at Mondizen ! We deliver your French products and French food all around the world, right to your door !