15 Janvier 2014
Boudin is a really famous kind of "charcuterie" in France and many of our customers wanted to get some abroad, but we could not ship it.
A few weeks ago, we met this local producer of Charcuterie in Normandy. Fortunately, they make boudin but in spread in a jar, so we can ship it to our customers.
We are very happy to introduce you to our new range of French charcuterie, all made in Normandy, all artisanal and gourmet products. And "boudin" is the first product we wanted to introduce to you.
Enjoy your French aperitif!
Imagine you just sit and relax with some friends and family, you have a nice selection of French charcuterie in front of you. A glass of wine maybe?
You take one of these toasts with boudin spread, and it tastes like France...
Talk to you soon on Mondizen your online French shop!