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Comprendre la France, la culture française, les Français et apprendre le français. Welcome to France!


Bonne Maman raspberry mini pies, what a treat !

Get your favorite Bonne Maman biscuits and jams delivered right to your door with Mondizen the francophile's shop.

On Mondizen, you will find a very nice selection of Bonne Maman tartelettes. These mini pies have different fillings : lemon, chocolate & caramel, raspberry. Easy to store and to carry thanks to their individual packages, you will love these beautiful crunchy biscuits filled with a soft cream of fruit or chocolate !


Bonne Maman rasberry pies

Mondizen is the francophile's shop, we deliver your French products, French food, French biscuits right to your door. International shipping of your French products !

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