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What is a " cake " ?

Of course, a cake is a cake ! I agree with you.

I (try to) mean that when we use the English word "cake" in French, we mean "a special kind of cake" and not any cake.
In fact it's all about its shape : a cake is long and not round.
When a cake is round, then we call it a "gâteau".

At the beginning, "cake" was only salty : "cake aux olives", "cake au jambon" (ham), "cake au fromage" (cheese)...
But it is now possible to find sweet cakes also.

We often have "cake aux olives" at the apéritif for example.

This one is a salmon cake "cake au saumon"

A cake is also very good as an entrée with a salad.

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Je ne comprends pas tout , mais l'image et la photo en disent long ; bravo pour cette rectte qui donne envie ; bises . martine
<br /> Alors là ça m'intrigue, comment es-tu arrivée sur ce blog Martine ? Est-ce que j'ai mélangé mes publications ??? Je<br /> suis très contente d'avoir ta visite mais je me demande si je ne t'ai pas laissé un commentaire alors que ce blog était ouvert et c'est donc cette adresse qui se serait affichée ????? Bises du<br /> Japon !!!<br /> <br /> <br />
Hummmmmm !! trop bon le cake au saumon !<br /> Bonne journée ! Bizzzzzzz
<br /> Merci, bonne journée aussi, bizz !!<br /> <br /> <br />
Is using the word cake a new thing? I ask that because my husband's 83 year old grandmother still calls cake sale 'gateaux sale' instead of cake?
<br /> Yes you're right, usign the word "cake" appeared approximatly 25 years ago, so people like our grandparents do not use it.<br /> <br /> <br />