2 Juin 2008
If you go to a restaurant, you might find quite often "salade chèvre chaud" in the menu.
It's a very classical and easy recipe :
How can I make a "salade chèvre chaud" at home ?
Still easy :
1 salade (laitue / lettuce, feuille de chêne,
scarole / curly endive),
1 "bûche de chèvre" (a log of goat's milk cheese)
1 or 2 slice(s) of bread per person (pain de campagne, pain complet)
sauce salade
Prepare the salade (just wash and dry it gently in a dish towel), put it in the plates, add the sauce on top.
Slice the bread, slice the goat cheese.
Put a slice of cheese on each slice of bread, grill them for 5-6 minutes.
As soon as it's grilled, put the bread on the salad, serve immediately.
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