9 Mai 2008
1. When you receive your « déclaration de revenus », it's written on the top of the first page, close to your name and address.
Be careful, dates are different depending on how you déclare your revenus (paper or internet).
Do not « déclarer vos revenus » late, it's 10% penalty !!!!
2. If you haven't received your « déclaration de revenus », (remember the deadline to receive it : is around May the 8th) and you want to declarer your incomes on the web go to :
Click on « j'effectue ma déclaration en ligne, ai-je droit à un délai supplémentaire ? »
Deadlines appear but be careful they change from one « zone » to another (it's like « zones scolaires »).
3. If you haven't received your « déclaration de revenus », (remember the deadline to receive it is around May the 8th) and you want to declare your incomes unsing the paper sheet « papier », go to :
Click on « à quelle date dois-je déposer ma déclaration de revenus ? ».
Deadline appears : 2009 May the 29th.
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