29 Février 2008
This recipe is traditional and easy to do. As autumn is coming and pears appear in the "marchés", let's have a good "poire au vin"!
Ingredients :
3 poires (pears),
1 litre vin de table rouge,
170 g sucre en poudre (caster sugar),
3 teaspoons cannelle (cinnamon),
2 teaspoon arôme vanille (vanilla) or 1 vanilla pod,
1 teaspoon gingembre (ginger)
In a large saucepan, pour the wine, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla (if you choose the vanilla pod then half it lengthways and scrape out the black seeds). Heat.
Peler (peel) the pears, cut them into halves (but not necessary, as you wish).
When the wine starts boiling, reduce the heat, add the pears.
Cover and simmer for 20 minutes at least :
When the pears are cooked, remove them from the simmering liquid.
Remove the lid and simmer the wine for ten minutes more.
If you want, you can add some more sugar (to taste).
Eat these "poires au vin" cold or at room temperature.
Store them a few days in the fridge.
If you want, you can try this recipe with a white wine. It is delicious too.
Bon appétit !
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