8 Février 2008
If you work in France but still belong to a foreign company, you are a « travailleur détaché ». In this case, you shouldn't be « assuré social » in France. But check with your company or your
healthcare system how you will be reimbursed.
If you work in France for a French company, you will become
« assuré social ». Your company should deal with all the administrative question. If you are married or have children, your spouse and children will
become your « ayant-droit ». If you have any question, check with the closest « centre de paiement ».
If you are not a European citizen and have been in France for more
than 3 months. If you have a « titre de séjour » (« carte de dix ans », « carte d'un an »,
« convocation » or « récépissé » given by the « préfecture »), then you might become
« assuré social ».
If you are a European citizen, you might also become « assuré social ».
How ?
If your company hasn't done this for you, the easiest is to go to your centre de paiement.
Bring your passport, titre de séjour, your contract.
If you are a student :
You should apply for « sécurité sociale étudiante » if you are less than 28.
You will apply (and pay) at the same time you register at the university.
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