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Comprendre la France, la culture française, les Français et apprendre le français. Welcome to France!


"carte de séjour" / "titre de séjour" and préfecture

Once you're in France with your long term visa, if you want to live or study in France for a longer time, there's one thing you have to do as soon as you arrive : go to the préfecture.

You don't need to do this if you're a member of the European Community, (but check because the rules are different depending on which country you come from) .

So, except if you're lucky enough to belong to a big company doing all this for you, you must go to the préfecture for your « carte de séjour » (also « titre de séjour ») the official permit that allows you to stay in France for a certain amount of time.

You must apply within two months after your arrival in France.


How long can you stay in France with a « carte de séjour » ?

Where do I go ?

You must go to the prefecture of your « lieu de résidence » (where you live).

How can I find my prefecture ?

At the préfecture


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