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How can I find my prefecture ?

Go to :




On the homepage of this site, you have two choices :

« Entrez le numéro du département recherché »

« Cliquez sur un département »

Or you know your department number : Isère = 38, Drôme = 26, or you recognize where you live on the map and click on it.

Then you will get the address of the prefecture you must go to or the sous-préfecture. The sous-préfecture is only a smaller préfecture. Choose the closest to your home.

If you live in Paris, you must go to the « préfecture de police ».

If you live in a tiny village lost in the middle of nowhere, go to the town hall ("mairie" or "hôtel de ville") and ask them if they can help you or if they have some of the forms you need. In most of the small villages, the town hall can give you some forms, sometimes they can also send it to the préfecture. Check with them even if they might not speak the best English of the world !

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