15 Novembre 2007
Ingredients :
Concentré de tomate or purée de tomate or tomates pelées (1 can)
1 oignon (onion)
Ail (Garlic)
Laurier (baby-tree), romarin (rosemary), persil (parsley), origan(oregano).
Sel (salt), poivre (pepper), sucre (sugar)
500 g de viande
hâchée (minced meat)
Éplucher l'oignon, le couper (peel and slice).
Faire revenir l'oignon (sauté the onion). After a few minutes, add the ail (garlic).
Add the viande hachée (minced meat), cook it.
Then add the tomato. If you use tome « concentré de tomate », add some water.
Add the laurier, romarin, salt and pepper, one teaspoon of sugar.
Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
How to store it ?
It keeps for about five days in the fridge.
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