5 Octobre 2020
Let's get started with: "on".
What is "on" in French, what does it mean?
"On" is very interesting in French because it has two possible meanings.
In a dialogue or in a conversation, if someone tells you : "on va au parc ?", in this case, "on" means "we" : do we go to the park?
"Si tu veux, on peut manger des pâtes" : if you want, we can have some pasta.
In other cases, "on" means people in general. "En France, on mange des grenouilles" : in France, people eat frogs.
It does not mean you or me, but it is general, it means people. And maybe you belong to these "people", but maybe not.
Exemples / examples
Je pars avec mon ami, on va en Italie ! : I leave with my friend, we go to Italy!
Dans ma famille, on ne regarde pas la télévision : in my family, we don't watch TV.
En Provence, on boit du pastis : in Provence, people drink pastis.
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