5 Octobre 2020
Here is an interesting thing to know regarding the French conjugaison : TU.
When you learn the present tense "le présent" in French, the general rule is that you add "s" at the end of your verb (after the radical).
BUT, be careful!!!!! You write the "S" at the end of the verbe but you DO NOT PRONOUNCE it 😊
Marcher : tu marches
Regarder : tu regardes
We have the same prononciation for the first 3 "personnes" at the present tense even there is this "s" at "tu":
Marcher | Danser | Manger | Parler |
Je marche | Je danse | Je mange | Je parle |
Tu marches | Tu danses | Tu manges | Tu parles |
Il/elle/on marche | Il danse | Il mange | Il parle |
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