30 Mai 2008
If your « permis de conduire » is lost or stolen, you must :
Go to the police or « gendarmerie » to do « une déclaration de vol », « une déclaration de perte ». You must go to the police of the place where your « permis » has been stolen or lost.
The police will give you a “récépissé”. This document is valid for two months. You can drive during these two months but you must go to the “préfecture” as soon as you get it to get a “duplicata”. The “duplicata” is a kind of copy of your “permis”, it will be your new permis.
When you go to the préfecture, bring :
- the “récipissé de la déclaration de vol” or the “récipissé de déclaration de perte”,
- your passport,
- 3 photos.
You'll have to apply for a “demande de duplicata”
You might also be asked for a “justificatif de domicile”
The price depends on your région.
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