5 Février 2008
If you've bought your car in France :
Two options :
1. You have the document “cerfa 3 en 1” also “ "demande de certificat d'immatriculation d'un véhicule neuf prêt à l'emploi n'excédant pas 3,5 tonnes".
Go to the préfecture with (or send) :
- this document cerfa “3 en 1”,
- your passport or a copy,
- a “justificatif de domicile” (a “titre de propriété”, un “certificat d'imposition” ou “certificat de non imposition”, une “quittance de loyer” (if you rent your house, ask your owner or the estate agent for a quittance), your last bill of “gaz”, “électricité” or “téléphone” or a “attestation d'assurance du logement”). A bill is the easiest...
2. Second option, you don't have the document “cerfa 3 en 1” :
Go to the préfecture with (or send) :
- your passport or a copy,
- a “justificatif de domicile” (a “titre de propriété”, un “certificat d'imposition” ou “certificat de non imposition”, une “quittance de loyer” (if you rent, ask your owner or the estate age for a quittance), your last bill of “gaz”, “électricité” or “téléphone” or a “attestation d'assurance du logement”). A bill is the easiest...
- a “demande de certificat” you can find at the préfecture or your town house,
- a “certificat de cession” or the bill of your car (theses papers must
have been given to you by the seller of the car. If he or she doesn't, ask for them or don't buy this car because without these papers you won't receive your « carte
grise »).
If your car has been bought abroad, you also need to go to the préfecture for a new "carte grise".
In any case, you need a new immatriculation, “plaques d'immatriculation”.
Once you get your “carte grise”, you have to change your “plaque d'immatriculation” because you have new "plaques" !!
So, go to a garage with your “carte grise”, and just ask :
“Bonjour, je voudrais faire changer mes plaques d'immatriculation”
“Bonjour, je voudrais faire mettre mes plaques d'immatriculation”
You'll have to pay of course !!
When it's all done. Congratulations !
Back to "carte grise"