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emmental / comté

If you need some fromage râpé (grated cheese), you can buy already grated cheese or you can do it yourself.
What kind of cheese ?
"emmental", "gruyère", or "comté".


Emmental is less strong than comté. You will easily recognize it because of its holes. Emmental is like "gruyère" just a little bit less strong.


Comté is stronger but much better. More taste. You can also have a piece of comté on your "plateau de fromage" at the end of a meal.


You will easily make the difference between "emmental" and "comté". emmental is like gruyère : full of holes. Comté is covered with a thin crust.
You can also try "beaufort" or "abondance". Beaufort and abondance look like "comté" and are even more tasty, also with a thin crust "croûte".
Do I eat this "croûte" ?



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