Rédigé par escoffier sandrine et publié depuis
If you need some fromage râpé (grated cheese), you can buy already grated cheese or you can do it yourself.
What kind of cheese ?
"emmental", "gruyère", or "comté".
Emmental is less strong than comté. You will easily recognize it because of its holes. Emmental is like "gruyère" just a little bit less strong.
Comté is stronger but much better. More taste. You can also have a piece of comté on your "plateau de fromage" at the end of a
You will easily make the difference between "emmental" and "comté". emmental is like gruyère : full of holes. Comté is covered with a thin crust.
You can also try "beaufort" or "abondance". Beaufort and abondance look like "comté" and are even more tasty, also with a thin crust "croûte". Do I eat this "croûte" ?