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Comprendre la France, la culture française, les Français et apprendre le français. Welcome to France!


Est-ce que j'apporte quelque chose ?

Yes. Bring a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers.

If it's not the first time (congratulations!!), you can bring something to eat : a dessert.
But you must say it or ask at the same time you're invited : “j'apporte le dessert”, “j'apporte quelque chose ?”.

If your guest refuses, it's not a problem, it might be that he / she has a very clear idea of what he/she want to cooke or they only want you to enjoy this time.

When you arrive and give your present (bottle, flowers, dessert), as your host thanks you just answer :

“Non, ce n'est rien”, “mais de rien”.

You must know that if you bring a present wrapped, your host will open it in front of you.


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