11 Novembre 2007
Fromage blanc / fromage frais is also very common in French cuisine, it means « white cheese » or « fresh cheese »
in fact it's just a soft white cheese that resembles sour cream .
How to use it : like a yaourt most of the time. Just have some at the end of a meal, add some
sugar and enjoy. It's also used in cakes and desserts. It can be used instead of « crème fraîche » because it's low in fat (but not exactly the same
taste and you can't make a "crème chantilly" / whipped cream with fromage blanc).
Where to find it in a supermarket :
It depends, sometimes it's close to the crème fraîche and sometimes close to the yaourts. Either way it's in the « rayon frais ». You
might find it in a special packaging called a « faisselle », which separates the water from the fromage
blanc . It's still fromage blanc but « faisselle » refers to a typical / traditional way of making fromage
You can easily recognize "fromage blanc" because it's one kilo package. Look at the diffrenceof size :
How to store it : like yaourts, a few days in the fridge. See the DLUO.