6 Octobre 2020
Let's get started with our "conjugaison française".
In a previous article, I mentioned 3 groups (categories) of verbs. Today, we're going to study the first group : le premier groupe.
In this group, you will find all the verbs with the "infinitif" finishing in "ER" : manger, danser, chanter, parler, écouter, regarder, tourner, monter, tomber...
To conjugate (pour conjuguer) a verbe "premier groupe" :
Drop the end of the infinitive "ER". When you drop this "ER", you have the radical of you verb, the basis on which you will add "la terminaison".
Infinitif | Drop | Radical |
Manger | ER | Mang |
Danser | ER |
Dans |
Chanter | ER | Chant |
Parler |
ER |
Parl |
Écouter | ER | Écout |
Tourner |
ER | Tourn |
Once you have the "radical" of your verb, you add the "terminaison" at the end of it. And this "terminaison" depends on the subject (le sujet) of your verb.
Subject / personne | Terminaison |
Je (I) | e |
Tu (you) | es |
Il (he), elle (she), on (it or we) | e |
Nous (we) | ons |
Vous (they) | ez |
Ils (they masculine or they feminine) | ent |
Parler | Danser | Chanter |
Je parle | Je danse | Je chante |
Tu parles | Tu danses | Tu chantes |
Il/elle/on parle | Il/elle/on danse | Il/elle/on chante |
Nous parlons | Nous dansons | Nous chantons |
Vous parlez | Vous dansez | Vous chantez |
Ils/elles parlent | Ils/elles dansent | Ils/elles chantent |
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