6 Octobre 2020
I was just thinking about you as I was writing the post about the "conjugaison" of the "verbes du premier groupe". I was just telling myself that there is a lot to cover regarding the subject of "conjugaison" and unfortunately, in French, the present tense is the most difficult.
Well... it's not really difficult, but it is the "conjugaison" with the most exceptions, so it's a lot of work if you want to study it well.
Here is why I want to "talk" to you today😊 Just to give you a few tips and some courage.
First of all, what is your situation?
You do not need to learn French the same way, whether you want/have to study French (to go to the university, become a teacher, study in French, obtain a DELF B2...) or just need some French to communicate in your daily life.
In the first case, you have to study your conjugaison and you have to study them from the beginning as there is a lot to learn (and also as in French, we do not pronounce the same way we write, you have to study both). If you want to go to the university, if you want a good level of French, then you have to know when you must write "s" or "x" at the end of such and such verb.
Now, if you need to learn some French because you are an expat living in France, because you only have to speak French in order to communicate with people, or if you want to spend some time in France an enjoy your time (without having to write too much), then I would go for an easier path.
Study just what you need.
And here is what I mean by "just what you need":
Regarding the French phonetics, "je", "tu" and "on" always have, at the present tense, the same pronunciation (except for 3 verbs).
So you only need to study "Je" and you can speak with "je", "tu" and "on", no problem.
Then, study "vous" and you will always speak in a polite form 😉. At the end, you only need to study two forms of conjugaison and you will be able to say a lot in French!