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8 Mai 2009
This recipe is SOOOOOOOOOO easy ! And very tasty !
If you follow the exact proportions, it won't be too sweet and you will really taste the chocolate flavour.
500 ml lait / milk,
100 ml de crème fraîche liquide / cream (you can use "crème fleurette" or "crème pasteurisée"),
25 g de farine / flour,
25 g de sucre / sugar,
25 g de cacao en poudre (cacao amer) / cocoa powder,
25 de préparation chocolatée instantanée (sweet chocolate powder, instant drink).
In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar and chocolates.
In a pan over low heat, pour the milk and cream, add the dry ingredients, stir well.
Bring to a low boil, stirring constantly and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Pour into serving cups, refrigerate at least 2 hours.
Bon appétit !
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