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Salade au hareng fumé

How can I use this "hareng fumé" ?

Have it in a salade :

How can I make it ?
It's a very easy recipe :

Ingredients :
1 salade verte (laitue, batavia, scarole...),
1-2 pomme de terre (potatoe) per person
1-2 filet de hareng fumé
per person
sauce salade

Boil the potatoes. 10 minutes in a cocotte minute (pressure cooker), 15-20 minutes in a saucepan.
Once cooked, peel them (it's easier even if it's hot).
Rinse and dry the salad.
Just open your "hareng fumé" ! You don't need to do anything as it's already cooked.

In a plate :
put some salad, add the "hareng fumé", the hot potatoes. Pour the sauce salade.

Bon appétit

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