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Quotient familial

As soon as you become « allocataire », you also receive your « quotient familial ». This is an important indication. It might change every year, depending on how much money you earn, how many children you have...

This « quotient familial » is necessary when you want to register your kids to any activities (sport, music), or even to the « cantine » at school.

In France, the amount of money people pay depends on their « quotient familial », so the higher it is, the more you pay.


If you need a « quotient familial » or a « attestation », and realize you've lost it, you don't need to go to your CAF and queue.
You can do it on the web with your « numéro d'allocataire » and « code » that has been given to you. If you have no computer at home, you can also go to your CAF, you'll find a few « bornes libre-service ». On these computers, you can print some of these documents so that you don't need to wait.

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