Comprendre la France, la culture française, les Français et apprendre le français. Welcome to France!
14 Novembre 2007
Have some cheese with bread and a glass of red wine. Take the cheese out the fridge at the beginning of your meal so it's not too cold; this will help bring out the subtle tastes and flavours of each cheese.
In a supermarket, a cheese shop, or at an outdoor market. There are two options in a supermarket : emballé (already packaged) or « à la coupe » (deli-style, where you choose the amount you want). If you choose the « à
la coupe » solution, you'll find a much wider range of cheeses. If it's emballé it's in the « rayon libre service » (self service), close to
the beurre (butter) and yaourt (yogurt)·
If you want to get a real taste of France, forget the supermarket and go to a « fromagerie », a small shop usually in the city center, which specializes in cheeses. Don't be afraid of
the smell or of your French, people will be very nice, just communicate with your hands and they'll do the same !! If you go to a fromagerie, you'll discover many types of cheeses that you'll
never find in a supermarket.
Cheese merchants at the market are like little cheese shops, they have excellent cheese but a smaller selection.