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13 Novembre 2007
These are some of the things you might add to your dessert recipes, cold or hot, baked or not.
"arôme" (flavouring) ou "extrait" (essence / extract), "colorant" (food colouring).
You'll find "arôme" in bigger bottles than "extrait".
"eau de fleur d'oranger" : orange flower
water . Add one spoon in the mixture of a cake or a brioche. That's it.
"eau de fleur d'oranger" is usually in a blue plastic bottle.
Also : poudre d'amandes (ground almonds), amandes effilées (sliced almonds), noisettes (hazelnuts), noix (walnuts), fruits confits
(candied / glaced fruits).
Sucre vanillé : vanilla sugar. In France, "sucre vanillé" is packaged like "levure chimique".
Faster and easier than real vanilla, add some to the sugar when you make a dessert.
Vanille : vanilla
Where in a supermarket : close to the sugar, flour, eggs.
How to store it : several months before opening (see the DLUO), then a few weeks. You don't need to put them in the fridge, just keep in a box, avoid humidity.